Quotes 2Day

May 12

World Cocktail Day: 30 Messages, Quotes & Greetings

World Cocktail Day, a delightful celebration for cocktail enthusiasts around the globe! It's observed annually on May 13th, honoring the art and craft of mixology. People celebrate by indulging in their favorite cocktails, exploring new recipes, or even visiting cocktail bars to experience expertly crafted concoctions. It's a wonderful occasion to raise a glass and appreciate the creativity and culture behind the world of cocktails. Do you have a favorite cocktail to celebrate with?

World Cocktail Day Quotes

30 quotes to toast to World Cocktail Day:

1. "A good cocktail is like a vacation in a glass." - David A. Embury

2. "There is no bad whiskey. There are only some whiskeys that aren't as good as others." - Raymond Chandler

3. "Cocktails are like a present you give to yourself." - Tom Bulleit

4. "A cocktail done right can really show your guests that you care." - Danny Meyer

5. "Cocktails are the perfect combination of sweet, sour, and spirit." - Unknown

6. "The cocktail party is the greatest invention of the twentieth century." - Richard Nixon

7. "A man who drinks only water has a secret to hide from his fellow men." - Charles Baudelaire

8. "I like to have a martini, two at the very most. After three, I'm under the table. After four, I'm under my host." - Dorothy Parker

9. "Cocktails may not solve your problems, but they're definitely worth a shot." - Unknown

10. "A cocktail is a hug in a glass." - Unknown

11. "Cocktails are memories in liquid form." - Barbara Holland

12. "Cocktails: Because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad." - Unknown

13. "Cocktails: Because one doesn't solve the world's problems over white wine." - Unknown

14. "Cocktails are the perfect blend of laughter and memories." - Unknown

15. "A cocktail is like an old friend; you can always count on it." - Unknown

16. "The only time to drink cocktails is before, during, and after dinner." - Unknown

17. "Cocktails are the punctuation marks in the paragraphs of life." - Unknown

18. "One martini is all right, two is too many, three is not enough." - James Thurber

19. "Cocktails are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin (paraphrased)

20. "A cocktail is a piece of art you can drink." - Unknown

21. "Cocktails: Because sometimes life needs a little shaking up." - Unknown

22. "Cocktails are the adult version of a mood ring." - Unknown

23. "A cocktail is like a present you give to your palate." - Unknown

24. "Cocktails: The perfect blend of science and art." - Unknown

25. "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day." - Frank Sinatra

26. "Cocktails are the language of celebration." - Unknown

27. "A cocktail is an experience, not just a drink." - Unknown

28. "A cocktail is a drink that's dressed up for a party." - Unknown

29. "Cocktails: Liquid courage with style." - Unknown

30. "Life is short. Drink the cocktail." - Unknown

Cheers to the art of mixology and the joy of sipping delicious cocktails!

World Cocktail Day

World Cocktail Day
