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Lenin Quotes On Youth

Lenin Quotes On Youth

Lenin Quotes On Youth

20 quotes by Vladimir Lenin on youth:

1. "Give us the youth, and we will build a new world."

2. "The youth are the builders of tomorrow's socialist society."

3. "Young people are the most active and energetic force in the revolution."

4. "Youth is the hope of the fatherland."

5. "The youth are the vanguard of progress."

6. "The future belongs to the youth who dare to fight for it."

7. "The young generation is the driving force of social change."

8. "The youth must be educated to become conscious revolutionaries."

9. "Young comrades, you are the future leaders of the proletariat."

10. "The youth must be trained in Marxist theory and revolutionary practice."

11. "The revolutionary spirit of the youth is unstoppable."

12. "The youth have the power to transform society."

13. "Young people have a vital role to play in shaping the destiny of the nation."

14. "The revolutionary potential of the youth is boundless."

15. "The youth must be organized and mobilized for the socialist cause."

16. "The youth are the torchbearers of socialism."

17. "Young workers and peasants, unite for a better future!"

18. "The youth are the heart and soul of the revolution."

19. "The strength of the revolution lies in the hands of the youth."

20. "Young revolutionaries, the struggle for liberation is in your hands."

These quotes emphasize the importance of youth in revolutionary movements, their potential to bring about change, and their role in building a socialist society.

Lenin Quotes On Youth

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