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Shakespeare Quotes About Life Changes

Shakespeare Quotes About Life Changes

Shakespeare Quotes About Life Changes

Shakespeare's works contain numerous quotes that reflect on the theme of life changes and the inevitability of change. Here are some quotes that touch upon this theme:

1. "Change is the nursery of music, joy, life, and eternity." - (The Two Noble Kinsmen)

2. "Things done well and with a care, exempt themselves from fear." - (Henry VIII)

3. "What's past is prologue." - (The Tempest)

4. "O, how full of briers is this working-day world!" - (As You Like It)

5. "The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief." - (Othello)

6. "We know what we are, but know not what we may be." - (Hamlet)

7. "Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides: Who covers faults, at last shame them derides." - (King Lear)

8. "This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." - (Hamlet)

9. "Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, Which we ascribe to heaven: the fated sky Gives us free scope, only doth backward pull Our slow designs when we ourselves are dull." - (All's Well That Ends Well)

10. "Love all, trust a few, Do wrong to none: be able for thine enemy Rather in power than use; and keep thy friend Under thy own life's key; be check'd for silence, But never tax'd for speech." - (All's Well That Ends Well)

These quotes from Shakespeare's works offer insights into the nature of change, resilience, adaptation, and the human experience amidst life's transformations.

Shakespeare Quotes About Life Changes

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