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Trend is your Friend Quotes

Trend is your Friend Quotes

1. "The trend is your friend until the end." - Ed Seykota

2. "Don't fight the trend; embrace it and let it guide you." - Unknown

3. "When it comes to investing, follow the trend rather than going against it." - George Soros

4. "The trend is a powerful force that can lead you to success if you ride along with it." - Michael Covel

5. "The trend is your friend, and trading against it is like swimming against the current." - Linda Bradford Raschke

6. "To succeed in the market, go with the flow and align yourself with the trend." - Jesse Livermore

7. "The trend is your friend because it represents the collective wisdom of the market." - Larry Hite

8. "The trend is your friend until it bends." - Unknown

9. "Trying to fight the trend is like trying to catch a falling knife; it's better to wait for it to stabilize." - Unknown

10. "Follow the trend, but also have the discipline to exit when it shows signs of reversing." - Unknown

11. "When you swim with the trend, it becomes easier to navigate the market's waters." - Unknown

12. "Don't be afraid to hop on the trend train and ride it as long as it's in motion." - Unknown

13. "Recognizing the trend and riding it is the key to successful trading." - Ed Seykota

14. "The trend is your friend, but always be prepared for a possible change in direction." - Unknown

15. "Trends can be your guiding light in navigating the complexities of the market." - Unknown

16. "The trend is like a compass that can help you navigate through the market's uncertainties." - Unknown

17. "Don't try to predict the market; instead, let the trend guide your decisions." - Unknown

18. "The trend is your friend because it shows you where the money is flowing." - Unknown

19. "Follow the trend and let it take you to the path of profits and success." - Unknown

20. "Trends have a way of persisting, so it's wise to align yourself with them." - Unknown

21. "The trend is your friend, and it's your job to ride it until it shows signs of exhaustion." - Unknown

22. "When the trend is strong, it's best to go with the flow rather than swimming against it." - Unknown

23. "The trend is like a wave; catch it at the right time and ride it to your advantage." - Unknown

24. "The trend represents the collective psychology of the market, so it's essential to pay attention to it." - Unknown

25. "Embrace the trend, but always be vigilant and ready to adapt if it starts to lose its momentum." - Unknown

Trend is your Friend Quotes

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